How To Care About Skin - Fashion Designer

How To Care About Skin

By Javeria khitchi - October 31, 2020

What's Necessary for your Skin:

Everyone wants beauty. Every human being wants to
look beautiful, he must have color, he must be intelligent and that is why man has been trying some tricks for centuries.
 In the old days, people, especially grandmothers, preferred points coming from home.
But today various chemicals are used to look beautiful and beautiful, which in one way helps to enhance our beauty, but on the other hand it also damages our skin in many ways, which causes cancer. Can cause and cause various diseases. The use of chemicals in the palette is minimal, we can use natural things to keep our face beautiful.

1) Lemons:

The quality of lemons is that it acts as a bleach. You can apply it on your face by holding a few drops of lemon in your hand or using a cotton ball.  Let the lemon act for 15 minutes after applying it to your face and then wash it off with water.

2) Aloe vera:

 Aloe vera plays an important role in the beauty of our face.
It can be applied once a week or for a whole week and it also helps to remove dark ankles.

If you don't have an aloe vera plant in your house, buy it and then make the most of it. Then you don't even have to go around the room in a hurry. You can use it to whiten your complexion.

3) Cuenca(Baisan):

Sink helps remove bumps and blackheads from your face and is also a great way to brighten your complexion. If you have a lot of bumps or pimples on your face, use the basin regularly.

Using anything doesn't give results in two days or a week, you need consistency. Continue to apply the wash basin or any of the above to your face while working steadily. Over time, the difference will become apparent to you.

4) Tomatoes:

Tomatoes are very helpful in removing the date cells from our skin and are also best used to remove the damage done to our skin by the intense sun. You cut a thick piece of tomato and apply it regularly or three days a week and leave it for fifteen minutes and then wash your face with water, this will not only make your face look good but also the dark spots that appear. It will also end.

5) Cucumber:

Cucumber plays an important role in eliminating dark circles and also helps us keep our face fresh. Cucumber plays an important role in removing puffy eyes, blemishes, and blemishes.
Besides all the natural things I told you today, there are many other natural things you can do to improve your complexion and remove blemishes from your face.

But remember, whatever you wear, you have to work consistently. In a month you begin to see the difference but for a complete treatment you have to work a few months and if you want you can make these natural things part of your life to maintain the beauty of your face. ۔

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