How Face Will Look More Beautiful - Fashion Designer

How Face Will Look More Beautiful

By Javeria khitchi - October 25, 2020

Importance of Surgery:

We use fashion to flatter our figures, so why can't we take advantage of simple, slim makeup tricks like knowing how to contour? Sculpting your forehead, cheekbones, nose, and jaw can give you more defined features. 
Are you promising to lose weight in 2012? Losing pounds is always the most popular New Years resolution. And with January just around the corner, a lot of our minds are on hitting the gym and eating healthier. 
Depending at shape or external structure of your face, you can do things for minimize or reduce features and creating angles, “If you have a large or big face, you can do shorten the chin. If your face is round, you can emphasize the cheekbones. And if you have a wide(by diameter) nose, you can slim it down. I call it no-scalpel plastic surgery!


Your cheeks are the largest areas of skin on your face and, in turn, are usually the plumpest features. To achieve that absorbed defined bone structure we all crave, chisel off the fake cheekbones. Go with the bronzer under the cheekbones and use a bright powder on the largest plane of the cheek.


When you thin your nose, "don't go down the sides to your nostrils, says Scott. Instead, outline the upper sides of the nose, just below the eyes, blending slightly darker lines on each side and leaving the center light. This makes the bridge appear thinner.


Avoid a double chin effect by defining your jaw line. Apply a bronzing powder that is two shades darker than your skin tone below the jawline. This will create a nice crisp line and frame your chin, giving you a slim, sculpted face, says Scott. Apply the bronzer on the neck so there is no obvious two-tone effect. The key is to mix well.


Use a bronzer a shade darker than your skin tone to create a shadow on and around the temples, and slightly along the hairline, says Scott. This will lower the forehead. Your face will appear more oval with a narrower forehead.

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